Sitting in the Moon Water Dojo Tracing flowers in the sky
Welcome to the Moon Water Dojo
The Moon Water Dojo is a place for Zen Buddhist practice in Port Townsend WA.. Currently we don't have a weekly sit at the Moonwater dojo but we are holding quarterly 3 day retreats. Look on schedule for upcoming retreats
Practice at the Moon Water Dojo is organized and lead by Ed Shozen Haber. In 2007 Ed completed his training in Rinzi Zen with Shodo Harada Roshi and given full authority as a teacher. He is a lay practitioner and his style is informal but the essence of Zen is present.
The Moon Water Dojo is affiliated with the One Drop Zendo Sangha lead by Shodo Harada Roshi, as well as the Zen community in Port Townsend.
Practice at the Dojo is open to everybody, beginners and experienced. Call 379-2713 if you wish to participate.
The local Zen community holds quarterly sesshins (retreats). For information on these retreats go to schedule.