It has been several years since I have entered anything into this blog. Part of the reason for this is that I am sitting during the time I wrote this blog. I would get up quite early and write for an hour or so before I made my breakfast, read the news, and went to work. Now I still get up early but use that time to meditate. But I also have to say some of my inspiration was gone. I stopped doing regular retreats and of course the group that was meeting at the Moonwater Dojo stopped coming over during covid. Now that the covid restrictions have lifted and the local sanghas are being reconstituted, instead of starting up the sangha at the Moonwater which was very small and dwindling I have joined the much larger vipassana sangha and give them a dharma talk every month. I am also doing a quarterly 3 day retreat at the Moonwater with growing participation.. I also hope to add to this blog as inspiration seems to have returned.
Hi Folks,
It has been several years since I have entered anything into this blog. Part of the reason for this is that I am sitting during the time I wrote this blog. I would get up quite early and write for an hour or so before I made my breakfast, read the news, and went to work. Now I still get up early but use that time to meditate. But I also have to say some of my inspiration was gone. I stopped doing regular retreats and of course the group that was meeting at the Moonwater Dojo stopped coming over during covid. Now that the covid restrictions have lifted and the local sanghas are being reconstituted, instead of starting up the sangha at the Moonwater which was very small and dwindling I have joined the much larger vipassana sangha and give them a dharma talk every month. I am also doing a quarterly 3 day retreat at the Moonwater with growing participation.. I also hope to add to this blog as inspiration seems to have returned.
Hi I am Ed Shozen Haber an authorized teacher of Zen in the lineage of Shodo Harada Roshi of the One Drop Sangha. By the way I look a bit older now. Categories
February 2024